ML: Hot or Cold

A tool that can classify water as hot or cold from the sound of pouring.

Why tho?

This project is an effort to test the skills I learned in's excellent MOOC, and was inspired by an NPR piece on the sound water makes when poured at different temperatures. People can tell hot vs cold water just from sound, so I figured it would be a cool challenge to see if a computer can, too!

How to use this webapp:

Choose one of the provided recordings -- or upload your own -- and see if the model guesses the temperature correctly!

(P.S.: For help using your own audio, see this how-to guide to record and upload audio from an iPhone or a Windows 10 PC)

For the purposes of this ML model temperatures >= 175℉ are considered hot, and temperatures <= 75℉ are considered cold.

Upload an audio file of water pouring:


Choose an example below:

Test this example of cold water (40℉)

Test this example of cold water (73℉)

Test this example of hot water (175℉)

Test this example of hot water (212℉)